Dental Implants: The Types, Benefits and Caring for Them

Dental Implants: The Types, Benefits and Caring for Them

Apr 01, 2020

Dental implants are frames or metallic posts that are inserted beneath the gums and placed into the jawbone. Osseointegration is the fusion process between the jawbone and the dental implant Houston TX. People who may have lost a tooth, had one afflicted by periodontal disease, or experienced a dental injury may consider this form of treatment. Let’s take a look at some of the types of implants installed by emergency dentist Houston Heights.

Types of Dental Implants

The Dentists at 650 Heights offer three common types of implants; subperiosteal, endosteal, and zygomatic.

    • Endosteal Implants

This type of implant is the safest and most commonly used by dentists. It requires patients with a healthy, proper jawbone. Little time is taken for it to heal. The units have the shape of screws, and once implanted into the jaw, they are then fitted with false teeth. Fortunately, for this method, the healing period doesn’t last long.

    • Subperiosteal implants

The implants are placed under the gum but on top of the bone. This procedure is conducted if a patient lacks adequate jawbone for an implant or if the patient prefers subperiosteal implants to endosteal implants.

During placement, the frame is held in position under the gum, and a post gets attached. As the gum heals, it encloses the implant and holds it in place, creating the base needed for the attachment of false teeth. This procedure is an excellent alternative for anyone who wants to avoid intense oral surgeries.

    • Zygomatic implants

It is rarely used and is a complicated procedure that is only carried out if the patient lacks adequate jawbone for an endosteal implant. In this case, the zygomatic implants are placed on the cheekbone of the patient. The operation is usually considered as a last resort when the previous two options cannot work for the patient.

Other than the three aforementioned procedures, dentists can also suggest other alternatives if neither of them suits you. They include ridge expansion, sinus lift and bone augmentation.

Benefits of Implants

      • It helps prevent bone loss – dental implants reinstate jaw bone stimulation, therefore, preventing bone loss.
      • The bite force is restored – the implants allow one to increase or decrease the force used by the natural teeth.
      • Matches the natural teeth – Implants come in different sizes and shapes. The dentist works with the patient to choose a color that matches their teeth and fits perfectly.
      • Prevents changes in the shape of your face – Teeth offers support to the facial structure. Implants provide the same support to your face, thus avoiding any shape changes.
      • It is easy to take care of – It does not require products to clean them. Brushing and flossing is the only thing that is needed.
      • Enables natural speech – Aside from performing the functions of natural teeth, dental implants will also allow you to talk comfortably.
      • Avoids slippage – Implants are attached firmly and, therefore, cannot bring any embarrassment.
      • Supports adjacent teeth

Downsides of Dental Implants

      • It is for specific people. Dental implants depend on the condition of a bone. Some bones are thin, other bone grafts do not integrate, or the treatment disrupts the bone metabolism.
      • Complications. In rare cases, implants might have complications some years after the procedure. Some of the difficulties may include; bleeding, nerve injuries and infections
      • Infections. Bacteria can infect the area around the implant that is the gum and might result in a periodontal disease that can lead to bone loss

Taking Care of Your Implants

In order to make sure that your implants last for a long time, it is essential to ensure that they receive proper care and maintenance. Failure to clean them regularly encourages the infestation of bacteria, which causes plaque. When plaque accumulates to toxic levels, it raises the possibility of developing tissue infection around areas neighboring the tooth implant. Dentists Houston TX recommend the following practices:

      • Regular visits to the dentist 77007
      • Maintaining good oral hygiene practices
      • Going for professional cleanings

Get your dental implants in Houston Heights, today. We offer cosmetic dentistry services, tooth extraction, and dental veneers, among many more. Call us and book an appointment with dental professionals.

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